We got our eldest boy off to college last month, so I guess it's a good thing that I have been working a lot. Otherwise, I am afraid I might have too much time to think about what it means to send my son off, and out of the house.
He might kill me, but here he is on his last day of high school last spring.

See that messy porch?
Before heading to college, my son painted that trim for us and asked me to mend a bunch of his favorite pants. At first I thought that this was an odd request. Some of these pants were worn, tattered and paint stained, so I hesitated a bit before fixing them. Then I realiszed that he wanted to have some old favorites to wear while heading off into the unfamiliar.
Sometimes I feel the same way.
These patches come from
that stash of uphostery fabric I scored last spring. I have not had the mental presence to start a new project, but I do find myself having an urge to sew, and patching has been the perfect activity. I imagine that these will build up into a mosaic of mending someday, in a sort of organic way.
They were a big hit with the repair guy at the bike shop. He kept asking me where I got the fabric and how I sewed them on. He seemed to think I was pretty amazingly hot to have managed to get that fabric to cover my knees. If women really dressed to attract men's attention, it wouldn't be what the fashoin magazines advise.
Speaking of fashion, I am going to Paris in a week ans have an invitation to a fashion show.
Should I be excited. . . or terrified? And what sort of look will I patch together? I am welcoming all advice.
Finally, If you have read this blog for a long time, you might remember that
our porch has been in a slow process of rehabilitaion. Getting it to a useable state has taken a fair bit of effort and the final steps involved finding a rather ugly love chair, wrapping fabric over the cushions, and then making some pillows to match.
I know I took a bunch of artful photos, but I think they ended up on another computer so I'll keep it real. Here is the new, improved look with number two son doing what he does best: eating and reading.