Step One: Promise your darling that you will mend his favorite bicycle commuting shorts.
Step Two: Decide to procrastinate the mending and other jobs by going along on a shoe shopping trip with your 12 year old son and your sweetie.
Step Three: Get bored trying to understand the seemingly minute, but hugely significant differences between apparently identical skateboard shoes. Leave the guys to analyze footwear.
Step Four: Stop in a little clothing store nearby and browse. Innocently admire decorators' samples of fabrics being sorted by shop owner.
Step Five: Accept shop owner's offer to give you all her rejects, thus saving her the hassle of dispensing with them. (Yes, these are all too small for clothing.)
Step Six: Take bags home and sort into piles of fabric to keep and fabric to give to East African sewing group. Touch stuff like silk canvas, embroidered silk,
Step 7: Repeat Step Six as desired at least four more times. Exclaim to your husband, "Look at this stuff. I can't even get in a store that would let me touch this!" or "This cotton brocade is 250.00 a yard !" Gloat over the hoard.
Step 8: Pack up bags. Then unpack favorite pieces to admire. Repeat as needed.
Step 9: Create fantasy projects involving small pieces of gorgeous fabrics.
Step 10: Don't get any sewing done at all.
Step 11: Finally check that mending job off your to-do list, possibly staring a new trend in bike wear.