Remember how I posted a bit back about my fear of being buried under scraps of fabric and yarn? Well, I got some good tips from you commenters and ended up selling several bags of patterns and fabric on on Ebay. I had also mentioned that I wasn't going to buy any new fabric until I had used up some of my stash. The problem though is thread. Doesn't it always come down to thread? A woman needs thread, a lot of it. And when I buy thread I like to browse the remnant bins.
So, I saw a remnant, thought it was pretty, and passed it up. Then my husband left town. For over a week for Paris and then London. Leaving me with a crabby teenager and a fart-obsessed 12-year old. Did I mention that I am job-hunting? I returned to the fabric store to buy some bobbins and the remnant was still there. Considering everything, it's pretty amazing that I left the store with only 2 bobbins and 1 1/2 yards of fabric and not anything more.
Then I was "managing" my eBay account while having a glass of wine when I wandered into the vintage patterns. I never go to real stores slightly tipsy. Do you think that internet retailers count on a certain percentage of their patrons being lonely, slightly drunk, and avoiding the surly teenagers in the other room? It does seem to contribute to unexpected consumption.
But this doesn't seem too ridiculous. I really love that long sleeve version and I think it will work for that fabric I bought.
And then my sweetie returned with his adorable self and presents: Buttons!
See my new fabric under them?
I love buttons and these are pretty special. These red ones come in two sizes and the sort of gold-green buttons in three sizes! Poor hubby was worried when he gave them to me that I would spurn his offering. You know in a sort of, "My husband went to Paris and left me with two foul-mouthed boys and all I got when he returned was this lousy package of vintage buttons from some flea market" sort of way. But I was happy and gracious.
The problem is that I like to plan projects around fabric or a pattern. Planning around a button haul is a bit more complex. What would you make? Ironically, this innocent little gift could force me to buy more fabric. Or I could just hang on to them and wait for the perfect fabric to turn up.
And, I'm wondering. Has anyone else made unplanned purchases on eBay? Perhaps under the influence?